Thursday, October 15, 2015

{Throwback Thursday}

Well today is throwback Thursday, and I thought I would include some of my favorite things, places, toys, shoes, clothes, pics that bring back memories for me as a kid. 
I;m hoping this will help me with my blogging...this will be a piece of cake to do if I choose simple topics to blog about!
Ya think? Good concept, let me see how long this

Okay first throwback on throwback list: 

1. The Jetsons - I considered this one o f my all time favorite cartoons. I believe this came on in the mornings before school. Thought it was cool to see what the "future" would look like... lol...still waiting for those flying cars... =)

2.  Whose mama didn't fill these and the ice cube trays up with kool-aid? Don't best on those hot summer days!

3.  What little girl did not own a pair of jellies? I can't tell you how many pairs I had, but I do know I had an array of colors! Loved them!

4.  This handy dandy object. I know these dang new millennium kids, probably have no freakin clue what the hell this thing is. I remember my off white one, maybe a Toshiba I think with the Red button, which indicted the "Record" button. I would have to smash down 2 buttons simultaneously for it to remember....don't act like you don't!

Okay....and to top off the post with some throwback photos...WOW....

I guess many people were unaware that I actually played basketball in high school. I played a Forward for my awesome High School Cajon High...this was 1993 I believe. #gocowboys!!!!

Ok,...WTH was up with this dress and WHY did they allow me to wear it? They said, I chose everything about it along with the pattern and colors!! My Nana made me this dress and I was so proud to wear it. I am not sure why it had to hang off my shoulder like this...#hot #bubblesleeves

This is a photo of me hanging with the kids club on one of the many cruises my Nana would take me and my older cousin on. I always remember, back then not many blacks would be seen traveling...mostly because we failed to realize that, hey! We can travel too! Many thought it took thousands and thousands to do, but no....just took some planning and budgeting...I am glad to see the stereotype has just about died...we travel too!

My Nana was loved by many....she took me and my cousins on cruises every single year. Not only did she take her grandkids, but in many cases, she would allow me and my cousin to invite our close friends. Here below with me is my girlfriend that I have known since age 5, yes, preschool. Still friends today =) Love seeing these photos....couldn't tell us nuthin!! We were too fly!!

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